Wellness Toolkit
The AACPS Wellness Council values wellness for its students, employees and community and believes that their well-being will ultimately enhance the learning process for all. It is the mission of the Council to provide resources, strategies and monitoring tools to ensure that effective implementation of the AACPS Wellness Policy in order to increase the quality of life for all members of the educational community and to cultivate communities of wellness.

Available Resources
First Steps
Recognize the need for wellness in your school and community and the potential positive impact on students and staff. There is overwhelming data linking student performance to student health and wellness.
Annual Wellness Presentation - Board of Education
Community Involvement
Counseling, Psychology & Social Services
Employee Wellness
Family Engagement
Health Education
Health Services
Nutrition Environment & Services
PE & Physical Activity
Physical Environment
Social & Emotional Climate
Triennial Assessments
Wellness Schools of Distinction
Wellness Policies & Regulations