Blueprint for Maryland's Future

Introduction to Blueprint Pillars
The Maryland State Legislature passed the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future in 2021. This legislation supported the recommendations of the Maryland Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education (Kirwan Commission). Funding to meet the Blueprint’s goals will increase by $3.8 billion each year over the next 10 years. The work of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is organized into five distinct policy areas as noted below*:
Maryland Department of Education’s (MSDE) work in Five Targeted Areas
I. Early Childhood Education
II. High Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders
III. College and Career Readiness
IV. Resources to Ensure that All Students are Successful
V. Governance and Accountability
The Blueprint will be implemented over the course of the next 10 years. Anne Arundel County Public Schools staff started meetings during the 2021-2022 school year and have continued to meet regularly to collaborate and plan how the school system will meet the Blueprint goals in a timely, efficient and effective way moving into the future.
AACPS Implementation Plan
AACPS Blueprint Work by Pillar
AACPS committees composed of staff and community stakeholders are working to meet the goals delineated within each pillar of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future.
Steering Committee
The 2024-2025 AACPS Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Steering Committee is composed of AACPS staff. The committee meets monthly throughout the school year to monitor, evaluate, and drive the overall efforts of those working in each of the four Blueprint policy areas. The table below shows the composition of the Steering Committee.
Staff Member Name | Staff Member Title |
Shannon Pugh | Director of Strategic Initiatives (Blueprint Implementation Coordinator) |
Matt Stanski | Chief Financial Officer (Blueprint Financial Lead) |
Mark Bedell | Superintendent of Schools |
Monique Jackson | Chief Student & Systemic Supports Officer |
Christina Catalano | Chief Academic Officer |
Jason Dykstra | Chief Accountability Officer |
Maisha Gillins | Chief Equity Officer |
Bob Mosier | Chief Communications Officer |
Jessica Cuches | Chief Human Resources Officer |
Michael Borkoski | Chief Information Officer |
William Heiser | Chief Operating Officer |
Mychael Dickerson | Chief of Staff |
Mary Tillar | Assistant Superintendent for Advanced Studies & Programs |
Michele Batten | Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction |
Heidi Oliver | Assistant Superintendent for Professional Growth & Development |
Ryan Voegtlin | Assistant Superintendent of Student Services |
Jolyn Davis | Assistant Superintendent for Instruction & School Performance |
Ginger Henley | Assistant Superintendent for Instruction & School Performance |
Nuria Williams | Assistant Superintendent for Instruction & School Performance |
Bill Goodman | Assistant Superintendent for Instruction & School Performance |
Janine Robinson | Assistant Superintendent for Instruction & School Performance |
Daryl Kennedy | Assistant Superintendent for Instruction & School Performance |
Lisa Leitholf | Assistant Superintendent for Instruction & School Performance |
James Todd | Assistant Superintendent for Instruction & School Performance |
Sonya McElroy | Director of B5 Programming and Services Accountability |
Nicole Howard | Director of Curriculum & Assessments - Academic Programming |
Patrick Crain | Assistant Superintendent for Educational Options & School Climate |
Melisa Rawles | Executive Director of Employee Relations & Leadership Advancement |
Kyle Ruef | Director of Facilities |
Kevin Wajek | Director of Curriculum & Assessment - Pre K-12 Programs |
Julie Cares | Director of Leadership Development |
Kevin Hamlin | Assistant Superintendent for College & Career Readiness |
Diane McGowan | Director of Instructional Programming and Service Access - 1st-12th |
Terri Whitehead | Director of Transportation |
Kelly Thomas | Director of Title I |
Scott McGuire | Director of Human Capital Management |
Amanda Salveron | Director of Curriculum & Assessment - Elementary Core |
Ryan Sackett | Coordinator of Career & Technical Education |
Patricia Saynuk | Coordinator of Early Childhood & School Readiness |
Erin Simmons | Coordinator of Birth To Five |
Grace Wilson | Senior Legislation & Policy Specialist |
Due Date | Deliverable | Notes |
5/2024 | MSDE Blueprint Schools | |
1/1/24 | MSDE submits to AIB on the use of school-level expenditures in the current fiscal year (FY2023) |
1/1/24 | District reports to the Legislative Policy Committee the Summer School Implementation Plan (Legislature) | AACPS Summer School Programming Report Submitted by due date |
12/2023 | Evaluation of hiring practices Report related to diversity, including plan for changes based upon findings of report (Gov., Legislature, AIB) | AACPS Diversity Report - Dec 23 Submitted by due date |
12/1/23 | All staff trained in behavioral health and trauma (Requirement only, no report) | All staff trained via Vector Training Platform |
12/1/23 | Reports on use of federal and state funds used (AIB) | Amount and Use of State and Federal Funds - FY23 Submitted by due date |
11/15/23 | Technology Spending Funds Report Due (MSDE) | Technology Funds Spending Report Submitted by Due Date |
9/1/23 | LEA report to AIB on Tutoring (4-12) and Supplemental Instruction (K-3) from FY2022 | |
7/1/23 | MSDE shall implement a new Financial Management tracking system and issue a revised Financial Reporting Manual |
3/15/23 | Must submit a District Blueprint Implementation Plan to MSDE/AIB How AACPS will implement each recommendation of the Blueprint (plan to address each policy area). AACPS Goals, expected outcomes, and strategies used to improve student achievement in each student group. Plans to provide behavioral health services, close student achievement gaps, avoid disproportionate placement of at-risk students with novice teachers, and determine how to use additional funds for teacher collaboration time. | AACPS Blueprint Implementation Plan Update (May 15, 2023): We revised the document based on feedback from MSDE and AIB.
1/1/23 | District reports to the Legislative Policy Committee the Summer School Implementation Plan (Legislature) | Summer School Implementation Plan |
Additional Blueprint Resources
Work on the Maryland Blueprint began early in 2021 in Anne Arundel County Public Schools. The linked information below is designed to offer the public additional details regarding the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future and offer resources designed to support forward movement toward reaching the goals of the Blueprint.
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Overview (MSDE) and related Legislative Reports
Priority Issue: The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (MABE- Maryland Association of Boards of Education)
Overview of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future: New Policies, Timelines, and Funding (Department of Legislative Services Office of Policy Analysis, December 2021)
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future - Board Workshop, (AACPS Presentation by staff to AACPS Board of Education in Public Workshop, December 13, 2021)
The Blueprint for Maryland's Future Comprehensive Implementation Plan (August 2023)
More information on plan related information can be found on the Accountability & Implementation Board site.
Fiscal Information
Fiscal & Policy Note Explaining HB 1300 (2020) - Blueprint Bill Text (HB 1300)
Fiscal & Policy Note Explaining HB 1372 (2021) - Blueprint Revisions Bill Text (HB 1372)
Fiscal & Policy Note Explaining HB 1450 (2022) - Blueprint Bill Text (HB 1450)
Department of Legislative Services: Education Policy - General Assembly of Maryland
Local Fiscal Impact of Implementing the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (General Assembly of Maryland, January 2022)
Salary Implications
Initial Eligibility for National Board Certification Salary Increase Incentive (Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Implementation Guidance, MSDE, April 2022
AACPS Tiered Staffing for Blueprint Funding
AACPS Tiered Staffing for Blueprint Funding with an explanation of money following the student (March 2024)
Video Presentation to the AACPS Community Blueprint Implementation Monitoring Team about the Tiered Staffing Model (March 2024)